Learn how to be more resilient and confident as you move through transition.
These articles share insights and ideas about how to be more resilient and confident.
When the world turns upside down, these are qualities that will serve you well as you move through and beyond a life transition.
Have you watched someone go through a traumatic experience, a terrible life event that happened without warning. And, did you notice that they came through it stronger than ever? That’s resilience.
Have you listened to the news or read a story about someone who faced tragedy and turned it into an opportunity to become a better person? Another example of resilience, with some confidence thrown in. There are more of these stories within this category.
How to Get Motivated When You’re Stuck
So, you’re feeling stuck. You keep making excuses for why you’re still doing the same thing, even when you know you’re not happy. But, changing things can be challenging, and finding the motivation to take the first step can feel elusive. But, without motivation to create the momentum you…
Transitions Are not for the Faint of Heart, but You Can Learn to Go with the Flow
Have you noticed how transitions are seemingly ever-present in our lives? But if they’re such a normal part of life, why is it so hard to navigate through them? In 500 B.C., Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.”
Conquering Self-Doubt and Becoming More Confident
Everyone has times in their life when they feel incapable and incompetent, but some feel that way more often than others. Might this be you? Are you so busy putting yourself down that you fail to realize that you’re doing it? That’s no way to thrive. It can get…
7 Things You Need to Know When the Going Gets Tough
Bouncing back from tough times requires resilience skills. And that takes learning to manage thoughts, responses, and actions to your life events. It takes confidence that the choices you make are good ones. Managing your emotions and feeling confident may be…
9 Ways to Find Your Inner Strength When Facing Challenges
Experiencing challenging times in life can test your mettle. Plus, it can take grit and courage to muster the inner strength to move forward.So let me ask you, when you encounter bumps in the road, how do you react? Are you able to deal effectively with…
13 Ways to Give Your Self-Esteem a Boost
Low self-esteem can cause a vicious cycle that makes you feel worse and worse. Feeling badly about yourself can lead you to feel unmotivated to change what is making you feel down in the first place. If you don’t change the root cause of your negative feelings, then your self-esteem takes an…
11 Life Hacks to Help You Develop Resilience to Stress
Stress—that physical or emotional tension we feel in response to something that happens. Some manage it well, some not so much. Since we live in a world filled with rapid change, and much of it is not in our control, there are many opportunities to get tense…
9 Professional Values That Keep Harmony In Your Life & Your Goals On Track
You might wonder how professional values can keep your life in harmony. What about personal values? Aren’t those more essential? The truth is, both kinds of values make for a powerful combination. In your career…