Accepting & Adapting to Life as it Changes

Why does it matter that you adapt to life change? 

The truth is, you can’t get away from change, because your life is designed for it.

For example, babies are born and people die. You grow as a child and shrink as you get old. Gaining weight and losing it–another change. A great mood greets you in the morning, then something happens to change it. 

Change. It’s how the world works. Accepting change is the first step.  Learning to adapt to life change comes next.

How much is life changing for you? Do you deal with change well? Are you one of those people who shudders just to think about it? Does it paralyzed you? Or, do you welcome it with open arms and embrace all the new possibilities that can come as you adapt to change?

These blog posts are intended to offer insights and tips on change, accepting change and adapting to change with more dignity and grace.

Transitions Are Not for the Faint of Heart, but You Can Learn to Go with the Flow

Transitions Are not for the Faint of Heart, but You Can Learn to Go with the Flow

Have you noticed how transitions are seemingly ever-present in our lives? But if they’re such a normal part of life, why is it so hard to navigate through them? In 500 B.C., Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.” 

Put an End to Self-Sabotage & Get Out of Your Way

Put an End to Self-Sabotage & Get Out of Your Way

Self-sabotaging behavior is when you decide you want something and then make sure it doesn’t happen.   Have you ever found yourself close to achieving a goal, only to throw it all away at the last moment? Maybe it wasn’t perfect, or you thought you could do…

How To Create A Contingency Plan To Help You Through Life’s Most Unexpected Moments

How To Create A Contingency Plan To Help You Through Life’s Most Unexpected

Having been through a whole bunch of transitions in my own life, I have learned something—and that is, we can prepare ourselves for life’s curveballs—the ones we can see coming and the ones that come out…

Tired Of Feeling Insignificant? Here Are 5 Ways To Create Meaning In Your Life Right Now

5 Ways To Create Meaning In Your Life Right Now

Too small. Unimportant. Without power or influence. Meaningless. Those are the words that come to mind when I think of feeling insignificant. Everyone has momentary lapses, wondering do I matter? Does anyone notice? Am I making a difference? Does…

Can a New Attitude Help You Adapt Positively to Change?

Can a New Attitude Help You Adapt Positively to Change?

In working with clients through significant life events that rock their world, I see first-hand how their perspective can dictate the outcome of their circumstances. When they make a shift to a new attitude, everything can change. Here’s a case in point. Jen was going…
