Mother said there would be days like this! The song was right, but she never told me to expect a pandemic! When life as we know it changes, it is human nature to react out of fear and doubt about what will happen next. Bouncing back, being flexible, and recovering from adversity may be the furthest things from your mind. Still, they are necessary qualities when learning how to build resilience during tons of uncertainty.

The best way I know how to face the unknown is to rely on the lessons I’ve learned from experiencing life. It takes some practice to develop the skills that build resilience. But, when you’ve rebounded once or twice, those skills will become part of who you are. They will help you to cope and adjust, accept what you can’t control, and pivot, so you get stronger and better equipped to handle uncertainty.

Some of us have lived longer than others, accumulating understanding. Consequently, we may have a few more tools in our treasure chest. One of the best things we can do is share our knowledge with those who are seeking guidance. At the very least, it will make their journey more comfortable.


Predicting The Future

If yours is anything like mine, the crystal ball is cloudy and not clearing up any time soon. So, figuring out what the future holds feels beyond my comprehension. What I do know for sure is this: it will be different. It is already different. So, how do you prepare for more of that?

In every area of your life, there has been a change—or two or three. Work is not the same. You may still be employed and working from home, or you’re an essential worker and on the front lines. On the other hand, you may not have a job at all.

Combine work changes with home-schooling the kids or inviting your adult children to move back in to keep everyone safe. How long will all this last? What alternatives are there?

Finding ways to become more resilient as you navigate the unknown can be as challenging as living through uncertain times itself. However, some techniques can help.

One of these alone can improve your confidence to handle adversity. Imagine what all seven could do? The magic happens when you put several of these in your treasure chest, practice them, and integrate these skills into your life.


How To Build Resilience

Get Support. First, believe this. Doing it alone is much harder than it needs to be. Ask for help. Find someone who has been through tough stuff and lives to tell about it. Their guidance will go a long way in teaching you what it takes to bounce back. Mentors become our role models.

Turn the Tables. Then, when you are struggling to figure things out for yourself, step back and take a break. Find someone else who needs your help. Not to commiserate, but to shift your perspective. It will take your mind off of your problems. Problem-solving for others may generate new possibilities for you. Win-win.

Hang In There. This too shall pass. Never say die. The next one is not so easy, and it takes perseverance. That means, no matter what, you want to be persistent even when things are difficult. The situation is what it is, and you are not the situation. Trust that you can handle it. Rely on your intuition to guide you. And believe in yourself that you will persevere. Building resilience takes time and effort, for sure. But it’s worth it in the end.


RELATED VIDEO: Persevering & Playing Full-out


A Resilient Mindset Takes You Home

Acceptance is Key to Becoming Resilient.  Next, you will need to relinquish control over the things that are beyond your power. You know which ones. I mean, the outside forces that make you feel like a victim. Instead, when you focus on the things you can control—and mostly, that is you—you are empowered to make change work for you. It is a time during which you can explore new options, and choose how to show up as you move through this season of change.

Imagine the Outcome You Want. On the heels of accepting what has happened comes believing you’ll find a way to overcome the situation, discover alternative endings, and have the imagination to create them. It takes faith and confidence in yourself and a vision of what you want. Your resilience will continue to build, as your vision gets clearer.

Be Reasonable and Sensable. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and valuable work takes time. The key to this strategy is to leave the drama behind so that you can keep your perspective. Know what you can do, and what is not wise or possible. Consider the choices. You could turn a potential catastrophe into the catalyst for meaningful change in your life. That is resilience paying off!

Find the Silver Lining. Finally, I leave you with this formula. Gratitude + Humor = Less Stress. I’m sure you know that when you feel grateful, you cannot also feel fear or doubt or uncertainty. And, when you laugh at yourself and your situation, you release beneficial hormones in your brain that circulate throughout your body. So, find those silver linings within your situation and be grateful. Then lighten your mood and your load by laughing.


Easy or Simple?

So, is it easy to build resilience? No. But it is simple if you are committed to becoming more resilient. And it takes practice over time.  With these strategies, you may find some tools for your treasure chest that will help.

Here’s a favorite quote about resilience, to plant another seed:

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept it, and put together something good.”  ~Elizabeth Edwards

For more help on how to build resiliency in the face of adversity, you may like to read this article, as well.


Take the First Step

If you are facing adversity and living with uncertainty about how to move beyond it, you may wonder if it’s even possible.  Making choices that move you forward can be hard, and getting some guidance may be just what you need.  Start by exploring how change can impact you? And learn how to move through it with more dignity and grace by reading my free ebook, then let’s have a chat.  Click here to take the first step: From Darkness to Light: Learning to Adapt to Change and Move Through Transition.  

